Build Module

Build Module

The Build module provides an interface for querying the state of the ledger and constructing transactions.


  • GetChainTip: This method retrieves the current chain tip, which represents the latest state of the blockchain.
  • GetChainParam: This method allows clients to request specific chain parameters, providing essential information for transaction construction and validation.
  • GetUtxoByAddress: This method enables clients to query UTxOs associated with a list of addresses at a specific point in the chain.
  • GetUtxoByRef: This method allows clients to fetch UTxOs based on their references, which includes the transaction hash and output index, at a specific point in the chain.
  • HoldUtxo: This method enables clients to hold UTxOs, preventing them from being spent, and receive updates about lost UTxOs in a streaming fashion.

The schema details can be found in the spec reference.

Sequence Example