Submit Module
The Submit module provides an interface for submitting transactions and monitoring their progress through various stages in their lifecycle.
Important: All byte fields in grpcurl examples (like hashes, addresses, assets) must be base64 encoded. For more details and installation of grpcurl, refer to the grpcurl guide.
The following code samples assume that the UTxORPC node is running locally on localhost:50051
. If your node is hosted remotely or on a different server, replace "http://localhost:50051"
with the appropriate server URL and port for your environment.
For more details on configuring your node, refer to the UTxORPC Ecosystem Servers Documentation.
Submit transactions to the blockchain. Fire-and-forget operation that returns immediately after transaction acknowledgment.
grpcurl -plaintext \
-d '{
"tx": [{
"raw": "hKMA2QECgYJYIIr32cljAfWKdI46b+X1FYDwg/KjDyDlWeLUYX2+unxaAAGBglgdYDPDeM7kGy4VrISPf28dL3gVWrEtk7cT3omNhV8bAAAAASoDX08CGgACkrGhANkBAoGCWCB0Y+GprLDXD5tlL/LBJfX7zyKIr7u8HjEy/hjKy/26L1hArvC+2bA1w/+/EKy078bNBZqdpJ6uwZfYvTdwYY/V4ErLZgcRiynr/zA64CuVWGxQN2vGiP3W1tBnfuOCaApfAvX2"
}' \
localhost:50051 \
Streams real-time updates about transactions in the mempool that match specified patterns. Useful for monitoring pending transactions matching certain criteria.
By Address
Watch mempool by a specific Cardano address. The address must be base64 encoded.
grpcurl -plaintext \
-d '{
"predicate": {
"match": {
"cardano": {
"has_address": {
"exact_address": "AJs7DC2gQcMrCyDdI49iEvCVlVjxfyrYvmj76rLmODCCS9vyMxgygxirZgrESIt1j2tbOSqOku8e"
}' \
localhost:50051 \
By Address Payment Part
Watch mempool by just the payment credential part of an address. Useful when you want to watcb mempool regardless of stake credential.
grpcurl -plaintext \
-d '{
"predicate": {
"match": {
"cardano": {
"has_address": {
"payment_part": "mzsMLaBBwysLIN0jj2IS8JWVWPF/Kti+aPvqsg=="
}' \
localhost:50051 \
By Address Delegation Part
Watch mempool by just the stake credential (delegation part) of an address.
grpcurl -plaintext \
-d '{
"predicate": {
"match": {
"cardano": {
"has_address": {
"delegation_part": "5jgwgkvb8jMYMoMYq2YKxEiLdY9rWzkqjpLvHg=="
}' \
localhost:50051 \
By Asset Policy
Watch mempool for UTXOs containing tokens from a specific policy ID. The policy ID must be base64 encoded.
grpcurl -plaintext \
-d '{
"predicate": {
"match": {
"cardano": {
"moves_asset": {
"policy_id": "pDQq5fQKGM5sGXdgHjY8zDDKiBH4YpMeOpV8vmA="
}' \
localhost:50051 \
By Specific Asset
Watch mempool for UTXOs containing a specific token, identified by both policy ID and asset name (combined and base64 encoded).
grpcurl -plaintext \
-d '{
"predicate": {
"match": {
"cardano": {
"moves_asset": {
"asset_name": "BH4PkSxCYP5mriceWuSU3NX3ljW7uxOGvhlfTkFMTEVZS0FUWjAwMDYw"
}' \
localhost:50051 \
Wait for transactions to reach specific stages and receive asynchronous updates.
grpcurl -plaintext \
-d '{
"ref": ["43Ohebmol5p9Zeal+nVCxzw7nA40nzKpkXfIfSRPy1k="]
}' \
localhost:50051 \
Evaluate transactions before submission to verify their validity and estimate execution costs.
This operation is still unstable and is still undergoing further testing.
grpcurl --plaintext -d '
"tx": [
"raw": "hKgA2QECgYJYIMOTiVfum0ZmZahbG/uyWeVIDlMPHMzMLkD3sJQuMYqXAA3ZAQKBglggw5OJV+6bRmZlqFsb+7JZ5UgOUw8czMwuQPewlC4xipcBEtkBAoGCWCB5bJp9330oJCXPwEUCy/av6qS6hNesV7iYr10RlxqQTwABgYJYHWD0AwQPh9IKl7sWw8wLSb0FeFDhwfYer5xtnruNGgBJkDcQglgdYPQDBA+H0gqXuxbDzAtJvQV4UOHB9h6vnG2eu40aAEgyshEaAAQYjgIaAAK7CQtYIHuJIOi90SACSoYtSz8Eq7tFVTtj6vLUQRDXBMG7O5cPoQWhggAAgth5nxgq/4IZKG8aACzAsfX2"
' \
-H 'content-type: application/grpc' \
localhost:50051 \
Query the current state of the mempool to check status of pending transactions.
This operation is yet to be implemented in Dolos and is still getting worked on.
grpcurl -plaintext \
-d '{}' \
localhost:50051 \
The schema details can be found in the spec reference.
Sequence Example
The following diagram describes the message exchange between a client and service where the client submits a transaction and waits for status updates asynchrounously.